A dime. Ten cents. That’s the increase to Florida’s minimum wage beginning January 1, 2020. It’s hard to imagine that the change from $8.46 in 2019 to $8.56 in 2020 is going to make the difference between being able to survive on a 40-hour workweek and not, but here we are.
The cost-of-living in Florida increased by an estimated 2.4%. If that same change were applied to the minimum wage rate, it should have gone up to $8.66. Apparently, that’s a dime too far for the Sunshine State.
Also, be sure to tip your wait staff! The minimum wage for tipped employees also increases by only ten cents to $5.54 per hour, meaning the remainder of what they take home depends on customer tips.
Heck, it could be worse. The federal minimum wage has been stagnant at $7.25 since July of 2009. Happy New Year and remember: don’t spend it all in one place, kids!
Pictured above: the difference between a life of poverty and a life of untold wealth.